International Congress on Lewy Body Dementia Research

La misión de Asinlewy es prestar apoyos para una enfermedad que necesita a psiquiatras, neurólogos, geriatras, médicos de familia, neuropsicólogos, fisioterapeutas y terapeutas ocupaciones, sin olvidar el papel de las enfermeras.


¿Por qué hemos organizado el Congreso INLEWY?

Aproximadamente el 25% de todos los casos de demencia mundial, cursan con demencia por cuerpos de Lewy. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico, manejo y tratamiento de estos pacientes sigue siendo un enorme desafío para la comunidad científica.

Por todo ello, es de vital importancia desarrollar un evento científico que reúna a los mayores expertos a nivel internacional en DCL, con otros expertos a nivel multidisciplinar, para traer los últimos avances y el futuro de la investigación y manejo en DCL, con el fin de compartir experiencia y fomentar nuevas redes de colaboración, con nuevos enfoques que permitan investigar en todos los aspectos de la DCL, para poder mejorar los fatídicos datos actuales y corregir el grave déficit en investigación, que sufre esta importante demencia.

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Este congreso ha reunido a expertos nacionales e internacionales para compartir los últimos avances en diagnóstico, tratamiento e investigación de la DCL. Nuestro compromiso es hacer accesible este conocimiento para toda la comunidad, desde profesionales de la salud hasta familiares y cuidadores.

📽️ ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal y activa las notificaciones para no perderte ninguna actualización!

Programa del Congreso

*Tenga en cuenta que éste es el programa preliminar; los horarios y los títulos están sujetos a cambios.

  • 10:00 – Acto de apertura y lanzamiento del congreso por parte de miembros de la dirección universitaria y la presidencia de la asociación
  • 10:30 – Dra. María Monteagudo Gómez (Unidad de cognitivo conductual (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, España) “Lewy Body
    Disease. What do we Know?”
  • 11:15 – Sesión de poster y pausa café
  • 11:45 – Dr. Daniel Alcolea (Unidad de memoria Hospital Sant Pau, España)
    «Diagnosis of Dementia with Lewy Bodies in the age of biomarkers»
  • 12:20 – Simposio 1
  • -12:30 – Cell-type specific cortico-striatal projections induce movement
    and rescue Parkinsonian symptoms, Francesco Paolo Ulloa Severino
    – 12:45 – Early differentiation of Alzheimer and Lewy Body Dementia
    through minor hallucinations, Marina Ruiz Piñero
    – 13:00 – Identification of a protein panel for accurate patient
    stratification and prediction of progression in Alzheimer´s disease,
    Yoana Rabanal Ruiz
    – 13:15 – Instrumental Activities of Daily Living: A Protective Factor Against
    Cognitive Decline and a Screening Indicator, Lucía Sáez González
    – 13:30 – Nutrition and Lewy Bodies Dementia (LBD): dietary approaches
    to improve disease management, Dra. Lucía Castro Vázquez
    – 13:45 – Delivery of natural compounds with neuroprotective potential,
    Cristian Martínez Fajardo
  • 14:00 – Comida
  • 16:00 – Dra. Estrella Morenas (Hospital Universitario 12 de octubre, España)
    «Biomarkers in research / Challenges in the study of DLB»
  • 16:45 – Sesión de carteles y pausa café
  • 17:15 – Dra. Katrin Beyer (Instituto de investigación Germans Tries y Pujol,
    España) «The potential of blood alpha-synuclein transcripts as biomarkers
    for dementia with Lewy bodies»
  • 16:00 – Mesa redonda Asociaciones, cuidadores y familiares «Cómo
    mejorar la calidad de afectados y familiares» Susana Muñoz, Alberto
    Sánchez, Nohemí Martínez, Miriam López, Isabel Sánchez, María Pilar Ligero,
    Julia Busom
  • 20:00 – Cóctel de Bienvenida
  • 09:30 – Dra. Ana Martínez (Centro de investigaciones biomédicas -Margarita
    Salas; CSIC, España) «Drugs under research for DLB»
  • 10:15 – Simposio 2
  • – 10:15 – Association between soluble TREM2, APOE and Alzheimer’s
    copathology markers in dementia with Lewy bodies, Pablo Zaragoza
    – 10:30 – Advanced Blood Biomarker Detection: SIMOA and the Future of
    Dementia Diagnosis , Danilo La Terra – Quanterix
    – 11:00 – Parental environmental experience alters offspring brain
    susceptibility to neuron degeneration, Teresa de los Reyes                                                                                                                    – 11:15 – Drosophila melanogaster as a model for research and drug
    testing, Dr. Sergio Casas Tintó 
  • 11:30 – Sesión de poster y pausa para café
  • 12:00 – Prof.Sonia Antoranz Contera (University of Oxford, Reino Unido)
    «Multidisciplinary platforms for Lewy body dementia: Diagnosis and
    therapy powered by physics and nanotechnology»
  • 12:45 – Simposio 3
  • – 12:45 Micronutrition’s role in neuropsychiatric diseases and the gut-brain axis, Sra. Nuria Capdevilla. Directora Departamento Médico
    Laboratorio LCN
    – 13:15 Cognitive stimulation in residential and day care centers, Julia
  • 13:30 Mesa redonda Colegio Farmacéuticos «Abordaje del farmacéutico
    en la prevención de RAMS en pacientes con Demencia con Cuerpos de
    Lewy» Elena Quijano Triviño, Gregorio Romero Candel, Cristina García
  • 14:00 – Hora de la comida
  • 16:00 – Mesa redonda “De los futuros biomarcadores a las nuevas perspectivas terapéuticas”
  • 17:00 – Sesión de carteles y pausa para café
  • 17:30 – Dra. Elena Martín Sebastiá (Servicio de geriatría-Complejo
    Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, España) «Dementia with Lewy
    bodies: a geriatric perspective »
  • 18:15– Dr. Alberto Rábano CIEN (Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades
    Neurológicas) y BT-CIEN (Banco de Tejidos CIEN) (España) «Brain Tissue Donation in Dementia with Lewy Body Disease: Harvesting, Diagnosis and
  • 19:30 – Visita centro ciudad Albacete 
  • 20:00 – Cena de Gala
  • 10:00 – Dr José Ignacio Lao Villadóniga (Genomic Genetics) «Genomic
    medicine: key to precision medicine applied to the use of pharmaceuticals
    and nutraceuticals»
  • 11:00 – Dr. Gianfranco Diretto (Research Scientist, italian Agency for New
    Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development (ENEA, Italia)
    «Plant metabolic engineering approaches for the accumulation of
    neuroprotective compounds »
  • 11:30 – Pausa café
  • 12:00 – Prof. Silvia Bisti (University of L’Aquila, Italia): «Saffron and ‘acquired
    resilience’ to cope with neurodegenerative diseases»
  • 12:45 – Prof María Lourdes Gómez Gómez (Universidad de Castilla La
    Mancha, España) « “TOMAFRAN”: A sustainable platform for the production
    of crocin and picrocrocin »
  • 13:30 – Acto de clausura


Dra. Ana Martínez Gil

Dr. Ana Martinez is Research Professor at the Biological Research Center (CIB) of Spanish National Council for Research (CSIC). Her interest is focused on neurodegenerative disorders, leading numerous research projects on the medicinal chemistry and rational drug design of new drugs for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and multiple sclerosis. Her research is in close contact with biopharmaceutical companies for technology transfer. Since February 2002 till January 2008, she was R&D Director of NeuroPharma, after called NOSCIRA. During this period, two of her research projects reached clinical trials as disease modifying agents for Alzheimer’s disease. In 2008, she returned to her academic laboratory where several projects have been developed in a private-public environment. She is author of more than a three hundred and fifty scientific publications, more than fourty families of patents in the field and editor of several books. She acts as scientific advisory board for several SMEs in the biotech field and she is founder of ANKAR PHARMA and MOLEFY, which goal is full the gap between basic drug discovery research and clinical trials for neurodegenerative diseases mainly for ALS. In 2022 she was awarded with the National Research prize Juan de la Cierva by the Science Minister and the Prize to the best National patent by the OEPM, in 2023 she received the “Margarita Salas” medal to excellence in scientific supervision by CSIC, and the prize to the best researcher of the year by Invertia.

Dra. Katrin Beyer

Katrin Beyer has been working for more than 25 years in the field of neurodegenerative dementias. After the discovery of the alpha-synuclein gene and its importance for Lewy body diseases, she started the study of transcriptomic changes in post-mortem brain. Over the past years, she has focused especially on dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), which is characterized by a significant overlap with Alzheimer’s disease and up to 80% of cases are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed as Alzheimer’s.

Thus, the Genomics and Transcriptomics of Synucleinopathies (GTS) group led by Katrin Beyer is committed to the search for peripheral biomarkers which permit a reliable DLB diagnosis. Once accurate diagnostic tests are developed, clinical trials for AD and DLB will avoid inclusion of misdiagnosed patients and, accordingly, speed up the development of specific therapies.
Katrin Beyer has published more than 70 research papers in international peer-reviewed journals. All studies are carried out in the context of research projects funded by several state and regional agencies, including the Spanish Ministry of Health and Innovation.
Katrin Beyer has developed NGS based diagnostic panels for dementia and parkinsonism which are being used in Neurology departments to facilitate clinical diagnosis. Finally, she is the author of four patents, two for the identification of specific DLB subgroups, one to monitor the treatment with anti-alpha-synuclein aggregation therapies, and one for patient stratification. Currently, the two latter are further developed to provide useful diagnostic tools for the clinical practice.

Dr. Daniel Alcolea

Dr. Daniel Alcolea is a neurologist in the Memory Unit at Hospital Sant Pau (Barcelona) and the coordinator of its biochemical marker research platform. His research focuses on the clinical application and validation of biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid and blood for neurodegenerative diseases. These studies have resulted in over 170 publications and 10,000 citations. Specializing in dementia with Lewy bodies, he has participated in national and European consortia. Additionally, he combines his clinical and research work with teaching at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Sonia Contera

Sonia Contera is a Professor of Biological Physics at the University of Oxford (UK).

Her work is on the physics at the interface of biology and nanotechnology; she uses physics both to measure and model biological behaviour/properties from the nanoscale up, and she has an interest in understanding the emergence of “biological shapes”.

Currently, she is working on a novel surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor for monitoring neuronal activity, which is able to measure periodic signals from neurons from the Hz to the GHz range.

She is also interested in how physics can help to identify and detect the causes of brain diseases for diagnostic/treatments, e.g. by understanding the physics underpinning multiscale circular causality in tissues using e.g. the framework of thermodynamics/statistical physics.

She is the author of “Nano Comes to Life: How Nanotechnology is Transforming Medicine and the Future of Biology”

Dra. Estrella Morenas Rodríguez

Dr. Estrella Morenas-Rodríguez is a clinical neurologist and neuroscientist specializing in neurodegenerative diseases, with a particular emphasis on dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). She earned her medical degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and completed her Neurology residency at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona. She holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where her dissertation focused on the clinical and biological heterogeneity of DLB, leading to the identification of three distinct clinical subtypes.

During her postdoctoral fellowship at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Munich, Dr. Morenas-Rodríguez investigated TREM2-dependent microglial activation in neurodegenerative diseases through a biomarker approach.


Dr. José Ignacio Lao Villadóniga

Dr. Lao, Medical Director of Genomic Genetics International, is a reference in genetics and anti-aging medicine. He has been awarded by the World Academy of Neural Therapy and is an active member of several scientific societies.

He has stood out for his research in neurodegeneration, identifying the first mutation in the PSEN2 gene related to Alzheimer’s disease in Spain. He has also worked in the study of Fragile X syndrome and spinocerebellar ataxia.

His innovative approach in personalized medicine, based on pharmacogenetics and nutritional genomics, seeks to improve the treatment of diseases through protocols adapted to the genetic profile of patients.

Dr. Alberto Rábano

Neuropathologist and basic neuroscientist, working since 2009 at the CIEN Foundation (Research Institute for Neurological Diseases), attached to the Carlos III Health Institute, as Head of Neuropathology and Scientific Director of the CIEN Tissue Bank. Academic education at the Complutense University of Madrid (MD), residency of Pathology at the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital in Madrid, and a fellowship in Pathology and Immunohistochemistry at Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK. PhD in Sciences with a dissertation on the comparative pathology of Alzheimer’s and argyrophilic grain tauopathies. Previously to the current position, extensive work as Head of Pathology and Research Director at a University Hospital in Madrid (Fundación Hospital Alcorcón), taking part during this period (1997-2009) and therafter in the development of four brain banks in different cities (Madrid, Murcia, Salamanca and Córdoba). During the “mad cow” crisis (2000-2009), in charge of the neuropathological diagnosis of prion diseases in several regions of Spain, including Madrid, and member of several governmental committees dealing with prion disease surveillance and biosafety issues. Responsible of the neuropathological diagnosis of 4 of the 5 cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease identified in Spain. Member of several research ethical committees including the Ethical Advisory Board of the Human Brain Project (European Union) (2014 – 2018), and of the Steering Committee of the Spanish National Biobank Network (2014 – 2020), and current President of the Spanish Neuropathology Club. Several media and scientific awards for the promotion of brain donation and for research in Alzheimer’s disease (Spanish Society of Neurology Award, 2017). Research interests focused on diagnostic and molecular neuropathology of neurodegenerative diseases, biospecimen science and biobanking, and ethical issues related to tissue donation for research. Since 2014, principal investigator of the core research program at the Alzheimer’s Center Queen Sofía Foundation, in Madrid, based on a cohort of over 550 institutionalized patients with moderate to advanced dementia with periodic follow-up, biochemistry, MR and brain donation. Ongoing research projects (IP of local subproject): collaborative research within the Spanish National Biobank Network, on clinical-neuropathological and genetic correlations in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP-DEGESCO project) and on microbial pathogenesis of AD (RETOS). Research member of CIBERNED, the Spanish Consortium for research in neurodegenerative diseases. In recent years, active part in the research program that lead to the discovery of the presence of brain fungal colonization in several neurodegenerative diseases and in breakthrough research in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Organization of the Ist and 2nd Symposium on Brain Banks

(Salamanca, Spain, 2018 and 2023), and of the Iberian Neuropathological Working Group (2019). He is author or co-author of 178 original scientific papers, h-index 59 (Google Scholar), and 7 book chapters.

Dr. Gianfranco Diretto

Research Scientist. Green Biotechnology Unit, Head. Responsible for the ENEA Metabolomics facility. Italian National Agency for New technologies, Energy and Sustainable development (ENEA), Via Anguillarese 301, Roma 00123, Italy. 

Dr. Gianfranco Diretto got his master degree in Plant Biotechnology with full marks in 2002 at the University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy. He holds a Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of L’Aquila (2008) and worked, as visiting scientist, at several institutes including Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI; USA), University of Freiburg (Germany), the Istituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP) (Spain), and INRA-INP Research Unit (France), working on omics sciences (transcriptomics and metabolomics), bioinformatics and pharmacological treatments and physiological analyses on tomato and potato. Since December 2008, he has a Research Scientist position at ENEA, whereas since March 2022, he is head of the ENEA Green Biotechnology Unit.

His main interests have been in the pathway discovery and metabolic engineering, by heterologous overexpression or CRISPR-Cas9 KO technology, of specialized metabolites as carotenoids and apocarotenoids, curcuminoids and glycoalkaloids in agricultural plants, with particular emphasis on potato and tomato. He is also working on the generation of tomato edited lines devoid in allergens. Overall, his group uses systems biology and bioinformatics approaches to identify relevant biological elements (genes, metabolites) associated to a specific phenotype or genetic trait. As main achievements, (i) he generated b-carotene- and total carotenoids-enriched potato tubers (named “Golden Potatoes”; 2007); (ii) he elucidated the crocins and picrocrocin-apocarotenoid pathways in saffron and buddleja (2014-2019), and obtained the production of these valuable apocarotenoids by virus-based transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves (2019); he obtained b-carotene-enriched tomatoes displaying elongated shelf-life and higher aroma emission (2019).

He has co-authored 98 papers on peer-reviewed journals, with an h-index of 32 m,òèp (

Silvia Bisti

Retired Professor of Physiology, External Collaborator NetS Laboratory

Neuroscience and Brain Technologies (NBT) Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) Genova (Italy); member of INBB and scientific director BIO AURUM start-up


Professor Bisti started her career as a researcher at the Institute of Neurophysiology of the CNR in Pisa, directed by Prof L. Maffei, studying adult visual function. She trained further at University of Pennsylvania (Prof J. Sprague) and at Max-Plank Institute fur Psychiatrie, Munich (Prof H. Holländer). Later she became interested in mechanisms of the pre and post-natal development of the visual system. She studied the role of neurotransmitter release in collaboration with Prof L. Chalupa and environmental stress (Dr D. Protti). Her main interest during the last decades is concentrated on the mechanisms involved in retinal degeneration and protection. She was enrolled in a research program in collaboration with colleagues from Università Cattolica in Rome (Prof Falsini) and University of Sydney (Prof J. Stone) focused on the relationship between: 1) genetic background, environmental factors and disease progression; and 2) efficacy of antioxidant/neuroprotective treatments. Her most recent work is increasingly therapy-oriented.

A successful clinical trial on the therapeutic effects of saffron on Age Related Macular Degeneration patients was carried out in collaboration with Prof B. Falsini at Policlinico Gemelli (Università Cattolica di Roma). She was partner PI in a Telethon Project “Development and application of opto-neural prosthetic devices as a therapeutic approach for Retinitis pigmentosa” coordinated by Prof. Lanzani at the Politecnico di Milano and Prof Benfenati at IIT and the University of Genova. She was full professor of physiology at University of L’aquila, Dean of the faculty of Biotechnology and External Collaborator NetS Laboratory Neuroscience and Brain Technologies (NBT) Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) Genova (Italy)

Dra. Elena Martin

Elena Martín is a geriatrician of Albacete University Hospital with more than twenty years of experience providing comprehensive care for older adults, specializing in diagnosis, treatment and management of dementia. Extensive expertise in multidisciplinary approaches and patient-centered therapies, with strong skills in behavioral disorders with a Master´s degree in Applied Behavioral Analysis ( ABA) . Dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals and their family through effective behavior support strategies.

Dra. Lourdes Gómez Gómez

She holds a degree in Biological Sciences with a specialization in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She earned her PhD from the University of Valencia, Spain, where her research focused on plant parthenogenesis and flower senescence. Subsequently, she undertook a postdoctoral fellowship for five years at the Friedrich Miescher Institute (Novartis) in Basel, Switzerland, in the laboratory of Th. Boller. During this time, she explored plant-pathogen interactions, specifically investigating pattern recognition receptors (PAMPs) in plants. Her groundbreaking work led to the discovery of the first plant receptor involved in the innate immune system, elucidating the role of toll-like receptors in recognizing the flagellin molecule. Upon returning to Spain, she secured a Reincorporation Contract for Doctors and Technologists at the Department of Science and Technology Agroforestry and Genetics, ETSIAM (UCLM). She is now Professor in genetics, now leads the BIOFORCE research group, which focuses on the regulation of apocarotenoid biosynthesis using various -omics approaches across multiple plant species. Her team has pioneered biotechnological methods for producing saffron-derived apocarotenoids in alternative plant hosts, such as tobacco, tomato, rice, and potato, as well as in microbial systems. This research culminated in the establishment of the spin-off company NAPLATEC in December 2021. Her prolific research career includes over 90 publications in high-impact SCI journals, with more than 10,000 citations. She has also served on numerous prestigious evaluation panels, including ANEP, The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (Earth and Life Sciences Council), the Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación de Uruguay (Fondo Clemente Estable), the Swiss National Science Foundation, the French National Research Agency (ANR), the Croatian Science Foundation, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), and the Israel Science Foundation.


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